Friday, March 27, 2009

Frantic Friday!

Today really wasn’t frantic, but I figured it sounded a lot better than Hectic Friday. Today has been very busy. There was a big presentation with the client this morning and I was one of the 2 key presenters. This is one the presentations on which I spent most of the week working. Lots of loose ends also had to be tied up before I head out on vacation for the week. So the work component of my day kept me very busy. In addition to work, I also had to finish all things I needed to do around the house before I left. So this meant I had to wash 6 loads of laundry, pack, shovel all the snow off the driveway, go to the grocery store for Nancy, do some maintenance on Nancy's car, finish writing a letter and keep Zack occupied as school was cancelled again today. Therefore, it was quite the hectic and busy Friday. Despite the craziness of my schedule I had another one of those “perfect contentment” moments. I am not exactly sure why it occurred, but for whatever reason I just felt very connected with my community and the world today. I spent a bunch of time talking with some of my neighbors today. The conversations were good in the fact that we were able to talk about some significant topics. However, some of the subject matter was difficult as lives are definitely affected by the topics we discussed. But it felt really good to be connected to the lives of those in my community. I don’t know - call me weird, but I just feel good about the general tone of life these days, and today was just another reaffirmation of that. I just got the Z-man to bed a little while ago and now I really need to finish getting everything ready for tomorrow morning. I need to be up by 5:00AM so that I can get Zack up and make sure I have everything in order for Nancy. Given the amount of stuff I STILL have to do tonight - I am posting very late and keeping this short. I have to take my laptop with me on our vacation because I have so many work commitments next week. (Like the soup Nazi in Seinfeld – “There’s no vacation for YOU!”) But I will manage them and take care of them early in the mornings before Zack wakes up. Not fun, but has to be done – and with the word yesterday that my employer just laid off 5000 people, I want to be a top rated performer so hopeful I am avoid the golden BB for a while. I will post an update from Las Vegas tomorrow. And for those of you in my friend list on Facebook - I will post some realtime updates from my phone and do some mobile photo uploads. Until later – Thanks and peace to all!

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