Thursday, May 21, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Plans

It is hard to believe that Memorial Day Weekend is already upon us.  That means that summer is almost near.  Can you believe that we are that far into 2009?  Worse yet can you believe that the first decade of the 21st century is almost complete.  All I can say is wow!  Time sure flies when you are having fun.  Hmmmm....  I guess that means I am having fun!
All joking aside we are working on our Memorial Day Weekend plans.  We don't have anything much planned per se.  We are planning to journey to our place in the mountains.  It has been a very long time since we have been there.  Though the weather this weekend is supposed to be pretty bad in the mountains it will still be good to get up there and enjoy the condo.
I am thinking that we will leave as soon as we can once Zack is done with school tomorrow afternoon.  I would love to get on the road early enough so that we avoid the parking lot that is C470 after 3:30PM.  Even if we don't beat the traffic we will still have a good drive.  Every time Zack and I go to the mountains we normally end up having some amazing conversations during our drive.  Usually we end up talking a lot about geology.   Why geology?  Because we see it all around us as we drive.   Zack is still into geology and it is always fun to talk about the boundaries between the plains, the foothills and the mountains as we drive.  He definitely keeps me on my toes in terms of the questions he asks and the conclusions he reaches.  I will admit I have to study before we head out on long road trips as he always asks a million questions.
Given the weather that we are supposed to have this weekend, I will definitely be stocking up on marshmallows as it appears it will be cold enough for us to have a fire in the fireplace.  And if we have a fire.....  then I am going to have to make toasted, roasted marshmallows for the Z-man.  He is getting to the point in his toasted, roasted marshmallow making that he will be making some for himself.  It has been awhile since he set a marshmallow on fire!
We will take a bunch of books and movies with us for the weekend as I am sure we will spend a lot of time just hanging out.  One thing that will be interesting with the weekend is to see how Bailey does in the mountains.  Though he continues to be in good shape you can tell that he is old.  Our condo is on the second floor of our building.  Given the elevation difference between here and there I am sure I will have to help him up the steps.  Regardless I am sure he will love being there!
We hope everyone has a great Friday and a good start to the weekend.
Thanks and peace to all! - J.

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