Saturday, May 30, 2009

An Essay By Zack

As I have stated in previous entries I am in the process of doing a ton of cleaning and organizing projects here at home. Though Zack is still in school for another 6 days I am starting the process of taking all his papers, documents, art work, etc from 4th grade and getting them into a storage box. I try and keep a large part of what he does every year as I think it will be a wonderful legacy for him to have as he gets older. I usually box each year up in one container and I have these boxes going back to Kindergarten. Anyway - long story short I have been sitting here working on this stuff today and I came across an essay that he wrote back in September at the start of the school year. I wanted to share it here for two reasons. First - I want people to understand the depth of what this child has been through. Second - he has come so far in handling everything and returning to the well adjusted sweet child that he was before Patty got sick. The purpose of this essay was for the child to tell about a person who has been important to them. They were supposed to give specific details of how the person has influenced or changed their life. Without further ado - Here is an essay by Zack. "One of the people who influenced my life the most was my Mom. If she didn't marry my Dad I won't be here. She fed me, she snuggled me and she loved me. Even though she is my Mom everyone gets sick. She got Leukemia influencing me a very negative way. I got my fears as a result of my Mom getting sick. My fears went up and down. I even remember my first fear. In second grade I thought I swallowed hand sanitizer. I thought I was going to die! The alien attack, the meltdowns and doing nothing but crying were the worst of days. Later my Mom died. That influenced me the worst. But my Mom is still influencing me even today. Thanks Mom!" I am not sure if Zack got it 100% right about when Patty died. Yes - that did hit him hard at first but it was also the launching pad for him to finally begin to recover from the depth of depression and anxiety. Through Patty's long fight to survive she gave us a gift that allowed us to adapt to her eventual passing. She also gave Zack and me a gift in that she made us strong. We are both capable of doing anything! Hopefully everyone is having a great Saturday! Thanks and peace to all. -J.

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