Thursday, February 25, 2010

Themed Thursday - Bottle

Every other Monday the bottles are in the streets. We see them as we walk to school. As we walk past the bottles in their recycling bin I imagine what stories they might tell. There are certain bottles that tell a story of sadness. That's when you see the recycling bin filled to the top with beer, wine, whiskey or other kinds of alcohol bottles. As we walk past those bins I wonder what kind of pain is causing those bottles to be emptied. Other bins hold the story of households full of life and children. The bottles in those bins are juice bottles, soda bottles - lots of bottles that hold sugary drinks that make kids happy and full of life. You know that happiness and good times exude from that house! What stories do the bottles in our recycling bin tell? I think it would tell the story of a house fill with activity and adventure! Even now I look at my wine bottles racked on my wine rack and I think of the enjoyment and happiness that comes with them. The happiness and joy doesn't flow from the bottle, instead it comes from the time that is spent with loved ones enjoying that wine. I have 3 bottles on my wine rack right now and I know there were will be lots of love, happiness and joy that accompany each of those bottles. I look forward to cooking a dinner with the girlfriend and sharing the contents of a bottle as we talk the night away! Even if I don't share those bottles with my love, I still know I will enjoy them while I sit at my dinner table with my son by my side. The closeness and love that we feel as we share our dinners together is remarkable. Next time you see an empty bottle - try and figure out the story it tells!
For information on Themed Thursday click [HERE] Thanks and peace to all! ~J.


Betsy Brock said...

Hey...sorry I missed this on on Thursday! Nice thoughts on a variety of to think about the story behind the empty ones, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hey! This was pretty cool :) Now ya got me to thinkin'...

Kat Mortensen said...

I love what you said about your own bottles and how it's not what they contain, but the spending time with others while enjoying them that means so much.
